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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Campign 2008: reforming Texas Supreme Court

Texas Supreme Court, an umbrella of Texas Justices, is having an election for 3 out of 9 seats. I disagree with Texas School of Law professor David Anderson who said the Supreme Court is regarded as unbalanced "pro-business" court, because the court is not supposed to rule any types of cases with divided number of percentages. Truth wins. Texas supreme Court is supporting the truth with open and alert eye simultaneously I agree with him about the court being sophisticated to consumers and workers
I do agree with the writer about little knowledge in voter about the justices because all republicans think alike.. I completely agree with the writer about the change in justices because there is no any arguments in any judgments hence e no any new ideas are proposed and exercised.
The writer emphasizes the reconsidering of ruling where diversity of ideologies must be practiced. Writer have highlighted some of the judges trying to misuse their power and violating their responsibility.
To create a new step to new ruling society the writer has proposed some names for justices of new models.
I support the writer to consider Wallace Jefferson as a chief justice because of his work in past. The challenging democrat, Jim Jordan, a synonym to fair, accused Jefferson of failing to provide leadership. But Jefferson work of helping people of low income and transparency in court activities ranks him way up then any faults he have to be a chief justices.
Sam Houston, the right candidate for place 7 because he according to the writer is a trial lawyer with broad litigation experience and a critic of the Supreme Court, which he says needs more balance. I agree with writer about wainwright outcomes despite his impressive personality and impressive resume.
I support the writer for his opinion of placing Linda Yanez in place 8. The diversity in political ideologies will be highly exercised. The outcomes like partiality and unfairness of the court by domination of one party for so long will be opposed.
I support the writer for helping Texas and Texan to create a model Supreme Court by alerting voters which is always dedicated for the conservation of personal rights and Texas heritages.

This critique is of editorial of Austin American Statesman.

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